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Karrine ‘Superhead’ Steffans blasts husband Columbus Short and mistresses

Welp, that didn’t last long.
Most pop culture watchers were surprised when Columbus Short got with and quickly married Karrine Steffans, aka “Superhead,” and already there’s rumbling in the union as Steffans put Short on blast for alleged serial infidelity.
Steffans recently posted a photo of the couple with a caption seemingly dedicated to “someone” trying to come between them.

And then this past week, things got over the top when Steffans called out Short for “f**** everything moving” and said he was homeless without her.

Steffans finally posted a photo of Short sitting in a chair with his personal effects strewn strewn around him while ordering one of his two mistresses, or both, come get him.

“Somebody come get @OfficialCShort cheating a** and all his s***. ”

Here’s what else Steffans and Short had to say about the matter, which makes you think that Short treated Steffans like a rebound chick:

Photos: Instagram/Twitter

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