*We guess you could call it karma, but the bottom line is that Kanye West just got a taste of his own medicine.
The rapper was on stage performing in Glastonbury, England when a dude, known to be a stage invader, did to Kanye what Kanye infamously did to Taylor Swift at the VMAs a few years back.
The thirsty stage intruder, Lee Nelson appeared and danced center stage. Meanwhile, Ye, according to TMZ, kind of gave a ‘WTF’ gesture to his security, who promptly ramrodded the guy off stage. As far as we know, Nelson was not arrested.
Nelson has crashed other big shows as well, including the 2014 “X Factor” live shows.

Nelson of course had to make sure to world know of his “accomplishment,” by tweeting, “I Kanye’d Kanye.”
Then again, we can’t say that we blame him.  After all, he did do it. And nobody got hurt.