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Job Well Done, Attorney General Eric Holder

Holder-00Washington D.C. – Today it was announced that Attorney General Eric Holder, our nation’s 84th and the first African American to hold this position, is resigning after six years in office. The nation’s 64th
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is greatly admired by Eric Holder, once said, “few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events,
and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”
Certainly among those critical events of this era which include the attack on voting rights, the increase in hate crimes, the
challenge related to corporate irresponsibility in the home mortgage industry, increased acts of terror and threats against our nation, along with the rampant deaths of young black and brown men across
this nation by certain police officers who are sworn to protect and to serve, are all events that characterize the service, legacy, and commitment of Eric Holder.
The uniqueness of Attorney General Eric Holder, while serving in this office for many of us, lies not
only in his color, but in his character. For the shadow that he has cast upon the civil rights community
and on the marginalized, is one that gives hope and a spirit of renewal to those often left out and
disregarded. This was evident in his walking among the people in Ferguson, Missouri. This was
evident as he has stood firmly for the rights of every citizen regardless of race or economic status, to
have the right to vote in our nation. This was evident as he has stood for the rights of women and for
persons regardless of their sexual orientation to have their place in the sun.
We learn often that many seek to be great and others want to be remembered. Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. once said, “if you want to be remembered, if you want to be great, serve your
people.” Eric Holder has been a true servant and has been unwavering even with the harsh criticism
mostly unwarranted, and with the threat of removal from office by those who seem to oppose his
standard of leadership.
President Obama has been served well, along with our nation, by Eric Holder. Let us pray and put
forward the clarion call that the legacy of Eric Holder should not end once he leaves office. We will
continue to push for and to advocate openly for an Attorney General that keeps the doors of civil and
human rights open for all people. Lest we forget, “an injustice to anyone, anywhere…is a threat to
justice everywhere.” –Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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