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Minni’s Morning Coffee: Isn’t This Why PA4 Was Created?

If anyone forgot why Public Act 4 (the Emergency Manager Law) was created, yesterday’s DPS ruling should jog their jog your memory.

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge John Murphy ruled Tuesday that the DPS School Board has control over academic decisions and Emergency Financial Manager (EFM) Roy Roberts has control of the purse strings. That’s until Nov. 6th, when voters get to decide the fate of PA4.

Meanwhile, the ongoing battle between DPS emergency manager Roy Roberts and the Detroit School Board is anything but over. It’s a taste of things to come if PA4 is repealed in November.

People can expect lawsuits to fly like rotten tomatoes between the two camps.

According to the Detroit News, Judge Murphy said Tuesday he expects the two groups to battle it out in the courthouse quite often:

“Murphy said if the school board and Roberts can’t agree on what is financial and what is academic, he will decide on a case by case basis who has authority.

‘The burden of proof is on the plaintiff that his policies fit within Public Act 72,’ Murphy said.”

Murphy should prepare to see Roberts and the Board frequent his courtroom:

Roberts told The Detroit News:

“If we have a disagreement and I say it’s financial and they say it’s academics — we are back

before Judge Murphy.”


But really, Who wins in a situation like this? Certainly not the kids who need leaderhsip, not lawsuits.


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