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How To Make Thanksgiving Great With Your Teen

If you are a mom or dad dreading this Thanksgiving celebration, you are not alone! Parents seem pulled between their desire to create a day of joy and family togetherness, and the needs of their teens.

When children are young, they get excited about making cookies, or putting on that new dress or snazzy new shirt for the Thanksgiving meal. But by teenage, those same children seem to be transform.


There are  ways to involve your teenagers in the celebration of Thanksgiving that will help them feel involved and appreciated, and just may bring out something special in them that you didn’t realize was there.
ASK your teen how they would like to be involved. Get their input for the menu, have them help with shopping, and ask them what would help to make the day meaningful for them.
DON’T give orders. As your own stress level increases, you may be tempted to bark orders at your teenager, then get frustrated when they push back. Bite your tongue!
FIND places for community involvement. Most communities have soup kitchens that serve a free Thanksgiving meal to the homeless, or shelters for homeless families. Sponsor a family and involve your teen in reaching out to someone less fortunate.
IF you’re in the habit of rarely eating together as a family except on holidays, a Thanksgiving feast with extended family may feel uncomfortable for your teenager. Honor their feelings, and let this day be a wake-up call for you. You may want to consider scheduling one day every week that you all sit down and eat together (without the TV on)!
ASK your teen to help decorate the house for the day. Let them make suggestions even if the decorations aren’t put up exactly how you would do it if they didn’t object.
Good luck and tell us how you make out.

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