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Harris-Walz Campaign Launches New Ad, Highlighting Project 2025’s Impact on Black Americans

Trump’s Project 2025 is a threat to the progress Black Americans have fought for. The Harris-Walz campaign, in response, launched its second ad, titled “Backwards,” as part of a media blitz leading up to the election. The campaign reserved $370 million in digital and television ads to ensure voters, particularly Black Americans, understand the dangers of Trump’s agenda. This blitz will run from Labor Day until Election Day, targeting key battleground states.

The ad focuses on how Project 2025 would dismantle essential protections, with specific attention to voting rights, education, healthcare, and women’s reproductive freedoms. Trump’s plan, according to the Harris-Walz campaign, would eliminate the Department of Education, strip away voting rights protections, ban abortion nationwide, and enforce pregnancy monitoring.

“Donald Trump’s Project 2025 makes one thing clear to Black America: he doesn’t give a damn about us. His Project 2025 will take our community backwards, ripping away voting rights protections, reproductive freedom, eliminate the Department of Education, and require states to monitor pregnancies,” said Quentin Fulks, Principal Deputy Campaign Manager for the Harris-Walz campaign. His message to the community is clear: Project 2025 would be devastating for Black Americans.

The media campaign is designed to highlight these dangers every single day. The ad will air during high-profile events, including sporting events like Michigan vs. Texas on September 7 and the Falcons vs. Steelers NFL season opener on September 8. Popular daytime shows like Sherri and The Jennifer Hudson Show will also feature the ad, ensuring that Black Americans, who are key viewers of these programs, are exposed to the campaign’s message.

This ad follows the earlier “Control” spot, with both focusing on how Project 2025 could harm Black communities. By featuring it across various platforms, the Harris-Walz campaign ensures that its message about Trump’s extreme policies reaches key voters who will decide the election in November.

The Harris-Walz campaign isn’t just concerned about the election but also with protecting the future of Black Americans and the broader community. In battleground states, where these ads will air the most, they aim to expose Trump’s plan as regressive and harmful. Fulks stressed the importance of making Trump defend Project 2025, calling it “indefensible.” He noted, “This campaign is going to make Trump defend his indefensible Project 2025 and ensure the key coalitions this campaign needs to win in November know exactly how his extreme agenda will take their communities backwards.”

From securing the right to vote during the Civil Rights Movement to fighting for educational equality and criminal justice reform, Black communities have continuously pushed against systems of oppression. In cities like Detroit, where Black culture and leadership are woven into the city’s identity, these freedoms have become the backbone of progress. Yet, every advancement is met with new challenges, and the fight to maintain these hard-won rights continues today.

Fair treatment in education, healthcare, and employment remains a top priority for Black Americans in Detroit. As the largest Black-majority city in the country, Detroit has been at the forefront of advocacy for equitable access to resources that other communities often take for granted. However, Trump’s Project 2025 threatens to undo much of that progress. The elimination of the Department of Education could lead to underfunding for schools in predominantly Black neighborhoods, directly impacting the quality of education for Black students. Additionally, Project 2025’s plan to strip healthcare protections and monitor women’s reproductive rights would disproportionately affect Black women, who already face systemic inequities in healthcare access.

The potential impact of Project 2025 on Detroit is especially concerning given the city’s history of resilience and determination to uplift its Black community. By undermining voting rights, eliminating critical protections, and pushing forward policies that disregard the well-being of marginalized groups, Project 2025 poses a real danger to the freedoms Black Americans in Detroit have fought tirelessly to protect. The fair treatment they seek, from healthcare to education to voting rights, could be rolled back under this regressive agenda, threatening not only the future of Detroit but also the future of Black America.

The Harris-Walz campaign’s media blitz is about ensuring that voters are aware of the stark contrast between Trump’s agenda and the forward-looking vision of Vice President Kamala Harris. She stands on a platform aimed at progress, especially for communities that have been historically marginalized. Her commitment to moving the country forward is a core message of this campaign, and the ads work to highlight how her leadership would differ drastically from Trump’s.

Polling data shows that the more voters learn about Project 2025, the more unpopular it becomes. Between 70-80% of Americans have already heard about it, and Trump’s own party is beginning to acknowledge that this initiative is an issue with voters. “Even Trump and Republicans concede ‘Project 2025 is an unmitigated polling disaster,’” according to the Harris-Walz campaign. The numbers indicate that as awareness grows, so does resistance to the extreme measures that Trump proposes.

The choice for Black voters is clear: move forward with Vice President Harris or risk losing essential protections under Trump. The stakes are high, and this ad campaign emphasizes just how critical this election will be for Black Americans. The Harris-Walz campaign is committed to making sure that the dangers of Trump’s Project 2025 are understood and that Black voters, who have been key in past elections, are fully informed when they head to the polls.

With the ad campaign ramping up, Harris-Walz is ensuring that Black communities in battleground states hear the message loud and clear. From eliminating the Department of Education to restricting women’s rights and gutting voting protections, Project 2025 poses a direct threat to the freedoms that Black Americans have fought so hard to secure. The Harris-Walz team is determined to protect those gains and ensure that the country moves forward—not backward—on Election Day.

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