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Gospel music icon Curtis Lewis honored

FAMILY AND FRIENDS—Seated, from left: Elder Curtis Lewis Sr., his wife, Billie, and Barbara Price. Standing is Minister Tony Anderson. (Photos by Jackie McDonald)
FAMILY AND FRIENDS—Seated, from left: Elder Curtis Lewis Sr., his wife, Billie, and Barbara Price. Standing is Minister Tony Anderson. (Photos by Jackie McDonald)


Words of adoration and appreciation were of no shortage as family and friends gathered recently at Northside Institutional COGIC to pay tribute to gospel music icon Elder Curtis Lewis Sr.

His small stature has never been a barrier or limitation to the giant impact he’s made in the gospel music industry in Pittsburgh, Beaver County and across the country.

HELP FROM HIS SON—Elder Curtis Lewis Sr. thanking everyone as his son, Minister Curtis Lewis Jr., assists with the microphone.

Minister of the gospel and music, Elder Lewis, known for his structured gospel workshops and intense music ministry, has created a standard of excellence that many choir directors and instrumentalist have emulated and implemented in their church choirs for decades.
For most, his musical anointing was discovered through the distinct sound and beat heard on the Sunday radio broadcast of the Church In The Round in Aliquippa where he continues to serve as senior music director for Bishop Melvin E. Clark. The preached Word of his pastor inspired his authoring many gospel songs, including “Tell Me Again,” “In My Father’s House” and the renowned anthem, “May I Present Jesus To You.”
With more than 50 years of teaching, he’s known to spontaneously invite all past choir members, from any decade, sitting in any audience, to join him on stage, understanding that a large percentage of anxious singers would instantly respond and “sing the house down” without rehearsal!
AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT—Elder Curtis Lewis and his wife, Billie, receiving an emotional embrace from their godson, Minister Tony Anderson.

Though his travel and music ministry has been sidelined by health challenges, his spirit and praises to God remain strong, and his legacy continues through many.
Singing the tribute, “Jesus Will”

Offering words of encouragement

SINGING LEWIS’ SONGS—Choir singing songs authored by Elder Curtis Lewis Sr.

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