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Fulton County Expands Free Arts Programming for Seniors

Fulton County Commissioners this week set aside $75,000 in its budget to support expanded senior arts programming. Commissioner Marvin Arrington Jr., who represents District 5, spearheaded the initiative earlier this year to implement a pilot program at two arts centers in South Fulton County. The funding will allow the departments of Arts & Culture and Senior Services to expand services to include four additional arts centers located throughout the rest of the county.

“We are pleased to continue our partnership with Senior Services which expands our arts education initiatives to include seniors countywide,” says Lionell Thomas, director of Arts & Culture, “This program is a commitment to long term arts programming for Fulton County Seniors and helps to fulfill our Fulton County strategic goal to ensure All People are Culturally Enriched.”

The eight-week program runs October 4  through December 6, 2018 with instruction in dance, jewelry making, social media, theater, pottery and visual arts.  All classes are free designed to accommodate a variety of skill levels and students do not have to have had any previous arts training. Any Fulton County residents at least 55 years old can enroll until the initiative reaches its capacity of 20 students per class.

Free Uber and Lyft transportation services are coordinated by Common Courtesy for eligible Fulton County Seniors.

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