In a heartwarming tale of perseverance and recognition, Pamela Lue-Hing and her mother, Velma Wilson (formerly Frierson), return to a historic landmark that holds profound personal significance. Nearly six decades ago, Velma began her journey in Detroit at the Sheraton Book Cadillac Hotel, where she served as a maid.
This year, in a poetic alignment of happen-stance, Pamela will be honored with the prestigious Leadership in Action Award by Career Mastered, led by Dr. Lisa Wicker. The host hotel is the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel where Pamela’s mother dedicated nearly a decade to the hotel, her role invisible yet vital to its operations.
In 1965, at 20 years of age, Velma migrated to Detroit from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, began her journey at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel and at 27, was chosen to represent the hotel in the Local 705 Golden Jubilee Pageant, an event celebrating the union hotels’ workers. Out of 216 contestants, she was selected as a Top 20 finalist, marking a significant early achievement in her new life in Detroit.
Fast forward to 2024, her daughter, Pamela Lue-Hing, an accomplished business coach, speaker, and author in her own right, who now resides in North Carolina, returns to Detroit, not as a worker behind the scenes, but as a celebrated leader at the forefront of her industry. This momentous occasion not only highlights Pamela’s contributions to leadership but also underscores the dramatic evolution of what happens when the seeds of hard work and excellence are planted.
“This event is not just an honor for me, but a tribute to my mother’s early sacrifices and strength,” said Pamela. “It feels like a full circle moment, being connected to the place where my mother once worked, now to celebrate empowerment, achievement, impacting lives and influencing people.”
Bishop Desmond Tutu once said, “To stand out in a crowd; only means you are standing on the shoulders of others.” The event promises to be a touching commemoration of the past and a celebration of the present, where once was a maid, now stands a leader, both mother and daughter epitomizing the spirit of resilience and success.
In fact, Career Mastered has selected Pamela to speak on a panel to share her insights on Resilience.
This significant full-circle moment of being connected to the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel history, acknowledging not just individual achievement but the enduring spirit of those who pave the way for future generations.
The sold-out Career Mastered Summit & Legends Ball event will take place on May 15-16 in Detroit at One Campus Martius and the Detroit Institute of Arts, respectively. The Leadership in Action Award recognition will be held on May 15 during a special Summit luncheon.
For further information about Career Mastered, please contact Dr. Lisa Wicker of Linwick & Associates, LLC at [email protected].
About Pamela Lue Hing:
Pamela Lue Hing is an esteemed business coach, speaker and author, recognized by Career Mastered for her visionary leadership and commitment to excellence in her field. Her recognition by Career Mastered is a testament to her impactful career and dedication to helping build women coaches.