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Fight the Winter Blues

It’s only officially winter for three months, but it can feel like forever. It’s barely winter when Christmas happens and you’re dreaming of a white Christmas. After that, it’s just Jack Frost nipping nose at your nose and freezing the locks on your car door. The bitter cold, the lack of sunshine…the snow, can make it very hard to stay bubbly until spring. Here are six easy tips to get through the winter blues:

1. Turn the lights on in the morning when you wake up. Otherwise, you’ll only want to go back to sleep.

2. Keep the house to a toasty temperature (think 72) the morning. Cold air makes you want to snuggle deeper into the covers.

3. Do something fun once a week. Meet your friends for happy hour or catch a new movie. Theaters charge matinee prices during the week.

4. Take vitamins, specifically vitamin D to make up for the lack of sunshine and enhance your mood.

5. Brighten up your house. Add a splash of color with throw pillows, a new painting, flowers, or if you’re feeling very industrious, paint or reupholster your furniture.

6. Bundle up and play outside. Yeah, it’s cold outside, but there a ton of fun things to do in the snow. Skiing, sledding, ice skating, snow ball fights…don’t let winter make you a hermit.

Follow Amber L. Bogins on Twitter @AmberLaShaii

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