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DLECTRICITY Returns to Light Up Midtown Detroit

DLECTRICITY, presented by DTE Energy Foundation, will showcase the work of 35 international, national and local artists who have been commissioned to illuminate the Woodward corridor with cutting-edge installations of light, video, performance, and other unexpected works of art on September 22-23, 2017, in Midtown Detroit from 7 p.m. to midnight.
“The DTE Energy Foundation is committed to investing in and developing experiences that celebrate the arts and energy to bring people together,” said Faye Nelson, vice president, DTE Energy; board chair and president of the DTE Energy Foundation. “As presenting sponsor, our continued support of DLECTRICITY allows Detroiters and visitors from across the region to experience this unique art and cultural event, and enjoy all that Midtown has to offer.”
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The event features artists from Australia, the UK, Japan, and Germany, as well as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Baltimore, and Cleveland. Detroit’s own art community also will be well represented. The event is inspired by other international festivals known for bringing the best of contemporary light and technology-based arts to the streets of major cities like Paris, Sydney, Toronto, Minneapolis and New York.
Along with featuring artists, the signature Light Bike Parade is returning this year for an exciting ride through Midtown. Cyclists are invited to participate and encouraged to register in advance @

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