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Family Victory Fellowship: A church informing members on education and business


Family Victory Fellowship offers education and business training to students

Family Victory Fellowship has been serving the Detroit community for the past 17 years The family-oriented ministry is dedicated to building, strengthening and restoring families.  The ministerial leadership also encourages an entrepreneurial spirit among members of the congregation. Many church and non-church members know first lady Sylvia Jordan as the Council President for City of Southfield, who also recently ran for mayor of Southfield.  Family Victory Fellowship members refer to Jordan as a kind soul who guides mothers and daughters in life choices, all the while encouraging a closer walk with God. Her husband and senior pastor, Larry Jordan is an architect by trade, and is the founder of The School of Entrepreneurship and Business.

On weekdays, Family Victory Fellowship is immersed in teaching young people reading, writing, arithmetic, science, technology and business. The church houses Victory Learning Center and the Children’s Technological Academy, a daycare and grade school in its building on 10 Mile Road in Southfield, and reports that children learn two grade levels above their peers. Both schools have been open since 1998, and there are currently 80 students on their combines rosters.

The students learn using the Abeka Book curriculum, which is a traditional curriculum that has been helpful on standardized tests and ACT/SAT. This curriculum starts in the infant class, the toddlers focus on early literacy and phonics. The daycare and grade school are Christian based learning environment. The students in 1st to 6th grade learn biology, physics and chemistry each quarter, each year based on their grade level. They have hands on labs, along with the regular requirements of language arts, math and reading. “The students at Children’s Technological Academy perform at two grade levels above their peers at other schools”, said Pastor Larry Jordan of Family Victory Fellowship.

The school offers small class sizes with a maximum of ten students per instructor, Special elective classes are also offered and range from art and music, to technology and entrepreneurship. “The entrepreneurship classes encourage students to own their own business by having them start with managing school stores, putting their money into the business and at the end of the year, the students receive a profit share. As they progress, the students have to market and create their own businesses by the time they graduate sixth grade” said Mary Donaldson, Program Director for Victory Learning Center and Children’s Technological Academy.

Family Victory Fellowship offers something for everyone on Sunday with the teachings of the Bible to help you get through your week and offer a promising educational future for families with children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Family Victory Fellowship is located at 19421 W. 10 Mile Rd. in Southfield. Sunday worship service begins at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., and Saturday worship experience is from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

 The Michigan Chronicle and Humana would like to thank Family Victory Fellowship for allowing us to worship with them on Nov. 8 and share our literature on healthcare marketplace. For more information about Humana, call 1-866-672-9165 or go to

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