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Detroit cybersecurity event helps businesses protect data


Free event aimed at small and medium-sized businesses that are most vulnerable to “the IT bad guys” that are killing business productivity, resulting in lost sales, data, and the fun of doing business
 Detroit, Mich.— Auxiom: The Gold Standard in Business IT, hosts its first-ever Small Medium Business Security 101 (SMBS-101) Summit from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 12. The event will be held in the heart of downtown Detroit in the Julian C. Madison Building at Bamboo Detroit, 1420 Washington Blvd., #301. Matt Loria, partner and CEO of Auxiom, will lead the presentation.
An educational event to help safeguard small and medium-sized businesses and their clients’ data, the discussion will center on how these companies can take a proactive and cost-effective approach to mitigating the risk of cyberattacksuch as the recent WannaCry and Petya outbreaks that brought businesses around the globe to a standstill.
Types of cyberattacks, including ransomware, malware, viruses and more, will be examined as well as exploration of the security of cloud products and other system vulnerabilities of which most business owners and leaders are unaware.
“Small and medium-sized businesses are extremely vulnerable to coming under attack,” said Loria. “Especially because they think ‘bad guys’ won’t bother with a company of their size. Little do they know that ‘bad guys’ are constantly ‘knocking,’ looking for an open door or window, until they get in their systems.”
Event Timeline:

The seminar is open to the public with seating on a first-come, first-served basis. The event is free to attend, but registration is required: Light refreshments and beverages will be served.
About Auxiom
Founded in 2014, Auxiom is The Gold Standard in Business IT, serving small to midsize companies. The Golden Rule is part of what the company does every day, and is encapsulated in the company’s culture of treating others how they would want to be treated. It starts at the top with how Auxiom owners treat their employees and follows the customer chain to how employees, in turn, treat clients, vendors, each other, and the guests who interface with the company.
Auxiom is a trusted cybersecurity partner. The company works with clients to create an IT security plan that is documented and reviewed at scheduled regular intervals, allowing clients to rest easy knowing their data is backed up, secure, and not in someone else’s hands. Auxiom’s managed IT services offer a 29-minute response time guarantee, 150-point monthly inspections and multiple experts assigned to each client to ensure complete coverage. To learn more about IT Security, IT Planning, E-mail Migration, VoIP, IT Support and IT Solutions, visit

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