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Detroit Construction & Demolition Department Hosts Event to Recruit Detroit-Based and Minority-Owned Contractors: Creating Space To Build Together

The city of Detroit is putting equity into action as the Construction & Demolition Department gears up to host a Facilities Management and Capital Planning outreach event encouraging contractor diversity and process transparency.

Their goal is to provide an overview of upcoming projects, outline the procurement process, and offer valuable networking opportunities for contractors interested in working with the City of Detroit.

Contracting dollars have the enormous potential to help build wealth in communities of color across the country. But that potential means nothing if strides aren’t made to make the federal and more tangibly, the local contracting space more inclusive and supportive to minority-owned businesses.

Upcoming projects include renovations to recreation centers and pools, the Detroit Fire Department annex, police precincts and parking lot improvements.

This is one of several outreach events hosted by City leaders over the last year to provide vital information on the contracting and procurement process and encourage Detroit-based and minority-owned businesses to take part in City of Detroit bid opportunities. Allowing Black and Brown Detroiters to have space to create a footprint here in the city.

The event will be held Thursday, June 29 from 5:30 – 7:30 PM at Wayne County Community College Eastern Campus. 5901 Conner St, Detroit, MI 48213.

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