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Cornell West blasts Fox’s Bill O’Reilly on white supremacy, ‘trickle-up economics’


Famed Ivy League professor Dr. Cornell West performed invasive surgery on right-wing Fox TV host Bill O’Reilly after he had the audacity to claim there is no such thing as white supremacy and that blacks’ issues can only be addressed by focusing on family and personal responsibility.

O’Reilly began by accusing West of advocating of taking “white people’s stuff” and giving it to the poor. West countered by explaining that much of white wealth in this country is created, sustained and expanded by the exploitation of black and brown citizens in America.

When O’Reilly tried to use the often regurgitated Scripture where Jesus says there were always be poor people in the world, West deftly countered with this:

“Yes, but Jesus said what you do for the least of these, you do for me.”

Take a look at the contentious exchange between the two high-profile men below:

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