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Community Coalition endorses Mike Duggan for Mayor

The Community Coalition, a grassroots organization of Detroit residents and community activists, announced today it is throwing its full support behind Mike Duggan for Mayor. The group announced its endorsement at a large community fair on the grounds of New Bethel Baptist Church, which over the years has played an important role in the Civil Rights movement and Black political activism.

The Community Coalition was formed in the early 1990s and has been instrumental in the successful runs of several mayors, judges, state representatives, senators, county commissioners and governors. Its founder, Ernest Johnson, said the role of the Community Coalition is to carefully vet candidates looking to represent the residents of Detroit and endorse those who have the constituents’ best interests in mind. In this election, Johnson said that Duggan is the best choice to lead Detroit forward.

“When you look beyond where someone has lived and pay attention to what they have done throughout their career for Detroit, Mike Duggan is clearly the best person for the job,” Johnson said. “Some people will call our endorsement a controversial choice, but it was an easy choice.”

Johnson said he is committing the Coalition’s resources to assist Duggan’s field organization throughout the campaign.

Duggan said he has been greeted warmly by residents in every neighborhood of Detroit and is deeply appreciative of the Community Coalition’s endorsement.

“There isn’t an organization that is more grassroots and connected to every day Detroiters than the Community Coalition,” Duggan said. “They are in the trenches every day fighting for meaningful progress that will improve the lives of all residents. I am honored they have entrusted me with their support.”

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