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BofA Awards Atlanta Nonprofits $400,000 to Increase Affordable Housing

Quest Community Development Organization is among Bank of America’s 2018 Neighborhood Builders, an honor that comes with funding to increase affordable housing and generate jobs.

The program — in its 15th year — has been one of the most direct ways the bank has worked to strengthen local nonprofits who are tackling fundamental conditions to improve economic mobility for individuals and families, such as workforce development, community development and basic needs. Since 2004, Bank of America has partnered with 28 nonprofits in Atlanta and invested $5.6 million in no-strings attached funding.

Quest Community Development Organization joins a cadre of organizations selected for their work to tackle issues vital to increasing economic mobility in metro Atlanta. This year’s awardees are experts devising long-term solutions to stabilize historically ignored neighborhoods and create conditions for growth that maintains legacy residents and attracts new residents. Their approach — create high quality affordable housing and help establish and grow small businesses to generate employment.

Each organization receives a $200,000 grant and a year of leadership training for its executive director and an additional emerging leader. Awardees join a network of peer organizations across the U.S. and gain opportunities to access capital to expand their impact.

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