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Black Moms Prioritize Mental Wellness at Groundbreaking Summit

The Sisters’ Couch and Just Jones are proud to announce the inaugural “Let’s Talk About Black Moms and Mental Health” Summit. This groundbreaking event, happening on Saturday, May 25th, 2024, centers on the unique experiences of Black mothers and their mental well-being.

Held at the beautiful Fourth Tri Sanctuary in Ferndale, Michigan, the summit is curated by Black mental health professionals specifically for Black moms. It promises to be a transformative experience, fostering open conversations and building a supportive community.

This first-of-its-kind event is the brainchild of Alandra Chuney Jackson, founder of The Sisters’ Couch, a platform offering support and resources tailored to Black women. Dr. Cherry Jones, co-founder of Just Jones, joins forces with her expertise in Marriage and Family Therapy. Together, they share a vision of uplifting Black families through education and creative arts.

The summit offers a full day of engaging activities:

“We’re honored to host this summit during Mental Health Awareness Month and Mother’s Day,” says Alandra Chuney Jackson. “Our aim is for Black mothers to leave this event feeling empowered, renewed, and ready to prioritize their well-being.”

The “Let’s Talk About Black Moms and Mental Health” Summit promises a transformative experience. It creates a safe space for critical conversations and meaningful connections for Black mothers on their journeys to mental wellness.

For more information and registration, visit

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