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Bill Would Increase Michigan’s Minimum Wage

One of the biggest challenges most Americans face in this fledgling economy is not unemployment, but rather, underemployment.

It seems a hard enough task to find a job that pays comparable to one’s skill level. We live in the age of a ‘new normal’, and one whereby it’s just as difficult to making a living off a paycheck as it is to get guaranteed work.

The average household cannot survive off the hourly rates currently accommodated by the minimum wage. It’s about time that our lawmakers reconsider this amount and raising the bar to improve the financial well-being of the people they represent.

Michigan might soon become one of the states to take a step toward improving wages for its residents with a new piece of legislature.

Introduced on Tuesday, the bill that is sponsored by Senator Bert Johnson (D-Detroit) would gradually increase the state minimum wage to $10 by 2016. The current minimum wage in Michigan is $7.40 an hour. That’s 15 cents more than the federal rate.

A similar bill did not even get a hearing in 2012, but the possibility of Governor Rick Snyder signing on in approval could mean something different this time around.

Michiganders all across the state are struggling. Not just in inner cities, but also in surrounding areas. It’s not enough to have a job. Man who do have one still struggle to simply keep afloat, financially speaking. It’s great to find that our politicians in Lansing are considering the reality of their residents.

While the proposal will require bipartisan approval, let us hope that lawmakers can come together to support its passing. It might be just what Michigan needs to help its residents out of a tremendous money crunch and aid many families in getting back on their feet.

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