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#BeScene Featured Event:Strolling Monologues 2018 – African Royalty

Witness the exquisite history of FIVE outstanding African Queens through powerful monologues written and performed by five extraordinary Detroit actresses! Each Queen will take a Stroll to the Stage to storytell their powerful contributions to African History. These stories will leave you yearning to learn more about them and other history-makers!
City.Life.Style: What are the Strolling Monologues?
Denitra Townsend: Strolling Monologues is a creative and live exhibit featuring five local actresses portraying five powerful women who impacted history. This year the actresses will interact with the audience while “Strolling to the Stage” to perform 5-minute monologues, telling their stories of majesty in war, politics, and movements! Strolling Monologues has become a group that travels and performs and will collaborate in the future with other designers and creatives throughout the city of Detroit and beyond.
CLS: What inspired this event?
Townsend: My background in fashion, beauty, and empowerment inspired this event. Specifically, my experience in wigs and makeup with the Detroit Opera House. My goal is to intertwine all of my work in an unconventional way to touch on topics such as history, plagues, movements, and other issues about women and urban communities. Inspiration also comes from my team of actresses and creatives involved. These individuals spear-head their own design, theatrical, and educational projects, so it is an honor and a pleasure to work with them.
CLS: Do you change themes each year? If so, how do you decide on the themes?
Townsend: For the last three years, the themes have been different. I like to stay abreast of topics and issues that affect women and that affect culture. One of the goals of the Monologues, aside from educational and cultural, was to inspire Black and Brown girls and women by examining other women who are thought to be weak and vulnerable, but who were/are leaders and rulers! I kept reading articles and watching programs about Queens and Royalty…and then…Black Panther! No other confirmation needed for this year’s theme!
CLS: Each show is 30 minutes, why and what can the audience expect?
Townsend: Each show is 30 minutes, but is power-packed! Our goal is to be very intentional and impactful in a brief, avant-garde way. The audience can expect moments of interaction with the Queens, period-wardrobe, hair and makeup and a yearning to learn much more about these African Queens and other Afro and Black American women in history.
The event created and produced by Denitra Townsend of Unforgettable YOU LLC, will have three showings: 7PM, 7:30PM, 8PM. Tickets are $20. For more info and to purchase tickets CLICK HERE

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