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Be a ‘Sweet’ Holiday Host This Year

SweetHolidayFestive holiday parties are a winter staple. But how do you put a twist on the annual tradition? To add new flavor and excitement to your holiday gathering this year, consider incorporating a series of sweet surprises to delight your guests.
The Perfect Pairing
You’re probably familiar with the concept of pairing appetizers and entrées with the perfect wines, but you may not realize that it’s just as important for your sweet treats!
If you’re serving a particularly sweet candy such as peanut brittle, pair it with a stout beer for the perfect complement. And if you’ve chosen a rich, indulgent chocolate for your guests, consider pairing with an equally bold Cabernet Sauvignon so the wine can stand up to the flavor of the chocolate.
The Sweetest Buffet
To show your guests you care, create a candy buffet and invite them to pick a selection of their favorite sweets. Not everyone has the same preferences, so be sure to offer a variety of treats including a selection of truffles, nuts and chews, and for the little ones, gourmet lollypops are always a hit!
Always serve sweet treats made with high-quality ingredients. See’s Candies is one of the few remaining candy makers that ages its chocolate — a process that takes longer, but imparts a smooth, mellow flavor. See’s candies have no added preservatives and are also gluten free.
Sweets for the Road
If you’re not sure your guests will save room for dessert, consider sending them home with a goodie bag to enjoy later. See’s Candies offers treats in a variety of sizes and price ranges, sure to fit within your budget and please each of your guests. You can find See’s Candies at holiday gift center locations in major malls nationwide or at
With these simple twists, your guests are sure to have only “sweet” things to say! (StatePoint)

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