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Affordable Housing Summit

Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO), Senator Adam Hollier, and Real Times Media hosted an Affordable Housing Summit on Friday, October 14th, which brought game changers and critical stakeholders from around the city together for a candid conversation about the Affordable Housing crisis. Summit addressed the housing budget for the average workforce, highlighted real-life stories of affordable housing effects, emphasized the need for understanding and navigating the complex housing system, and much more!

We are asking for your feedback regarding how you may have been impacted by the increasing housing costs in the state — and there is no clear sign that the cost will level out or return to more affordable prices for those who earn minimum and living wages — and that’s about 14 percent of the state population. Now, there are also signs that rising costs are affecting households across additional income ranges.

A lack of affordable housing leaves people unhoused and without options and has a massive impact on small businesses, schools, and the overall community. The conversation is continuing as we gear up for the next steps in the fight to end the housing crisis in Detroit. Your feedback about the cost of housing increases and its effects on households across the income spectrum is vital. We want to hear your stories on how this crisis impacts you as we continue to work toward change.

Affordable Housing Testimonial Submissions
As we continue to stay engaged with our team of influencers to identify real solutions to address real affordable housing challenges, we need help from the people that are actually affected most. If you or someone that you know has real-life affordable housing testimonials that you are willing to share, please submit your information, and upload a video below.