A “Taste of Black Spirits” is an event that supports, highlights, and brings awareness to African American Beer, Wine & Spirit brands from across the USA.
Presented by Black Spirits LLC, Yum Village
Events by Syd
Curated by Lazar Favors
Tickets available Monday, May 3rd, 2021.
May 22nd – 23rd
5 pm – 8 pm
Tickets: include 4 food taste tickets, 3 drink taste tickets,1 cocktail ticket, live entertainment, swag bag, and some amazing stories from each brand’s leadership.
Customers will be able to taste Whiskey, Tequila, Vodka, Gin, Rum or Cognac, Beer, and Wine. Lead Mixologist @Jennifer Peeples, The Perfect10 Mobile Mixology Service, LLC Mixologist: Lush Mobile & Beautiful Sangria
Featuring Cocktails from Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey, Duke & Dame Salted Carmel Whiskey, IslandJon Vodka, LS Liqueur
Tastings: Equiano Rum, NYAK Cognac, Phoenacolada Vodka, Whiskey Wright, Red Hazel spiced Whiskey, and more.
Beer: Cajun Fire Brewing Company
Desserts by Brick House bakery Detroit
(This event will be Filmed)
Event link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-tasting-of-black-spirits-the-intro-tickets-153169220261