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KIND hit the streets of Detroit to spread kindness

On Feb. 17, the team from KIND hit the streets of Detroit to spread kindness. Why, you may ask? Random Acts of Kindness Day was Tuesday, which is celebrated annually on the Feb. 17 nationwide and internationally.
The company, which is based in New York, but has a large team presence in Detroit, makes wholesome and delicious snacks but beyond that, has a social mission that is all about making the world a little kinder – which is what they call the KIND Movement.
While the KIND team encourages kindness of all levels, on all days, they thought today was an extra special reason to get out in the community and do something kind for people and organizations not expecting it. The team committed 24 acts in 24 hours, one to represent each hour and did some pretty impactful stuff such as:
• Dropping off balloons, kind bars, and flowers for children at the Detroit Children’s Hospital
• Handing out hand warmers, gloves and hats to morning commuters at Rosa Parks Transit Station
• Surprising people at grocery stores and gas stations by picking up their bills
• Dropping off pet toys at the Michigan Humane Center as well as giving flowers to their employees
Erin Schanke from KIND stated, “Here at KIND we believe kindness is a powerful force. When you do something kind for someone else, both you and the doer feel better because of it! We truly experienced this yesterday and were touched by some of the recipient’s reactions. Most people were so surprised and moved that they all wanted to continue to pass it on.”
The company also has a program called KIND Causes where each month, they give $10,000 to people who are making the world kinder and you don’t have to be a nonprofit to submit, anyone can sign up who has an idea that want to foster for the greater good.
If interested in getting involved, you can visit where you can share your idea or browse other inspiring causes.

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